
Showing posts from 2023

A new hat

I never imagined that a piece of headwear could so deeply impact my travels, but here I am, in the windy lanes of the Netherlands, wearing a gaucho hat – a Patagonian beret. It's a tale that began with an encounter that was as unexpected as it was enlightening. During one of my journeys, I met a man known as "MONTAÑÉS ERRANTE." His name, translating to "Wandering Mountaineer," was as enigmatic as his persona. He introduced me to the gaucho hat, a traditional piece worn by the gauchos of Patagonia. These hats, he explained, are designed to withstand the fierce Patagonian winds, making them practically glued to your head even in the most blustery conditions. I was intrigued. As someone who has faced the relentless gusts of The Netherlands, I immediately saw the practicality of such a hat. But it wasn't just about utility. There was something more – a connection to a distant land, a touch of a foreign culture resting atop my head. The gaucho hat, with its simpl

Learning from the Last Gauchos

In the sweeping, untamed landscapes of Patagonia, I recently embarked on a journey that brought me closer to a fading way of life. Here, amidst the vast "estepa," I encountered the gauchos, those enigmatic figures who have long been the soul of these wild lands. Their number dwindling, these guardians of tradition ride their horses with a grace that speaks of a deep connection to the earth. Feeling a stirring within, a desire to bridge my digital existence with the raw pulse of nature, I reached out to a gaucho. He agreed to teach me the basics of horse riding, a skill that seemed almost primal in its essence. As I mounted the horse and we set off, there was a palpable sense of stepping into a world where time moved to the rhythm of nature, not technology. Riding through the Patagonian estepa was a revelation. The vast sky stretched above us, a canvas of freedom, as the horse moved with a rhythm that seemed to echo the heartbeat of the earth itself. It was a poignant reminder


As I lay here on the cold, unyielding floor of El Calafate’s tiny airport, the cacophony of a raging storm outside echoes my tumultuous thoughts. Argentina has been engulfed by an unprecedented tempest, turning schedules into mere suggestions. My flight, once a certain passage back home, now hangs in limbo, cancelled by nature’s unforgiving hand. The airport, usually a gateway to adventure, feels more like a prison tonight. The walls seem to close in, mirroring the storm’s oppressive embrace. I am a castaway, not on a remote island, but in a sea of uncertainty, surrounded by fellow wayfarers, each with their own untold stories. Time, that ever-elusive concept, stretches and contracts around me. It’s in these moments of enforced stillness that I find myself contemplating its true nature. Is time a relentless march forward, or a malleable fabric, shaped by our experiences and perceptions? As I pen these lines, the storm rages on, indifferent to the chaos it has wrought. Yet, amidst this

The Perito Moreno Glacier

  Today's adventure took me to the grandeur of Perito Moreno Glacier, a natural wonder named after the notable Francisco Perito Moreno. This colossal ice formation, nestled near the town of El Calafate, is a sight to behold. As I approached, its sheer size was overwhelming, stretching out like a frozen, undulating sea. There's a long hiking trail that runs alongside the glacier, offering a chance to witness its magnificence up close. The trail winds through the landscape, allowing hikers to fully immerse themselves in the raw beauty of this icy giant. Each step brought a new perspective, a new angle to appreciate the glacier's vastness. One of the most thrilling aspects of visiting Perito Moreno is watching chunks of ice calve off and crash into the lake below. These icefalls are not just visually stunning but also audibly dramatic. The sound of ice breaking and tumbling resonates through the valley, a powerful reminder of nature's force. It's a sound that you feel

Conquering Fitz Roy: A Hike into the Heart of Patagonia

  Today was an extreme hiking adventure as we conquered the challenging Fitz Roy hike. The journey to the base was a grueling 23-kilometer hike, filled with rocky paths and steep ascents that tested our endurance. Surprisingly, there were many fellow hikers, adding to the difficulty. But reaching the base was awe-inspiring. Despite the strong winds, the clear day unveiled the majestic Fitz Roy, also known as the ChaltĂ©n. It stood proud with a wispy cloud hovering above, casting an ethereal aura. The frozen lagoon and glacier were breathtaking. The pain and exhaustion were worth the magnificent view. The descent, especially the last two kilometers, was treacherous with loose rocks. It is not for the faint-hearted or those unaccustomed to such terrain. It was a risky venture, but the rewards of the day's conquest overshadowed the perils of the path. Arriving back, we were utterly spent, the 23-kilometer journey through this rugged route proving to be an extreme test of endur

Montevideo's Pulse

  Montevideo greets me with an embrace as familiar as it is foreign. This city, with its chaos reminiscent of central Buenos Aires, carries a rhythm all its own. Here, the dance of daily life is accompanied by the clinking of thermoses and the gentle rustle of 'mate' gourds, as people share sips of the traditional infusion that seems to flow through the city's veins. The streets are a mosaic of modern haste and leisurely charm, with more people than I've seen elsewhere carrying their mate. It's a cultural ballet that I find utterly captivating—a symbol of unity and a testament to the slower pace of life that endures even in the heart of this bustling metropolis. The mate ritual, with its simplicity and camaraderie, adds a layer of allure to the urban tapestry. Amidst the hum of activity, the people of Montevideo carry a kindness that's palpable. Their smiles are easy, their demeanor welcoming. There's a 'vibe' here, an invisible but deeply felt frequ

Timeless Charm

  The gentle sway of the boat that ferried me from Buenos Aires to Colonia was but a prelude to the tranquility I found upon setting foot in Uruguay. This small town, a gem untouched by the relentless march of time, welcomed me with open arms and streets brimming with history.Colonia is a tapestry of the past, each cobblestone telling a story. The town's beautiful old buildings stand as proud sentinels of heritage, their walls whispering tales of yore. I meandered through its streets, each turn unveiling another picturesque vista, a tableau of serenity that begged to be captured in a photograph.Among these relics of bygone days, I discovered gourmet boutique restaurants, each offering a feast not only for the palate but for the soul. The laid-back warmth of the local people infused the atmosphere, their welcoming smiles acting as an invitation to partake in the town's quiet revelry.The photos I've taken, mere snapshots, cannot truly capture the essence of Colonia. The vibra

Farewell to Buenos Aires

  As my time in Buenos Aires draws to a close, I find myself in a whirlwind of social engagements, the final act of my stay in this vibrant city. Tomorrow, I set my sights on Uruguay, my next destination in this journey of exploration and discovery.Reflecting on my stay here, it's been a feast in every sense of the word. The culinary delights have been abundant, a parade of flavors and indulgences that will, no doubt, prompt a return to a more ascetic dietary regime once this adventure is over. My physical form will surely appreciate a respite from the gastronomic extravagance that has characterized these past two weeks.Two weeks in Buenos Aires – it’s been enough to whet my appetite for the city's charms, yet not enough to fully satiate it. There's a part of me that yearns for more, more hidden corners to explore, more unseen specters to uncover. But as that old saying goes, "good things are better in small doses." Perhaps leaving with a lingering desire to retur

Shadows and Solace

    As the sun sets on my nearly two-week sojourn in Buenos Aires, I find myself in a contemplative state, the shadows of my quest beginning to weigh on me. The city, with its vibrant pulse and spectral beauty, has been both a playground and a battleground, where I’ve danced with the ghosts of the past in an endless tango.It’s a peculiar weariness that has started to creep into my bones. Not overwhelming, nor incapacitating, but present nonetheless. It’s as if the city’s energy, while exhilarating, demands its toll in measures of spirit and strength. In the quiet moments, away from the hustle of the streets and the echoes of history that haunt its corners, I feel it most. A subtle, yet insistent reminder of the depth and intensity of this journey.It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what this feeling is. Perhaps it’s the relentless pursuit of shadows that elude capture, or maybe it’s the realization that the line between hunter and haunted is thinner than I once believed. The constant vigilan

A tapestry of flavors

   In a city where culinary landscapes seem to be shifting under the weight of modern tastes, today brought a comforting respite. My journey through Buenos Aires has been a tapestry of flavors, some new and unexpected, others nostalgic. Yet, not all reunions with past favorites have been joyous. A recent visit to an empanadas place left me disenchanted – the traditional flavors I yearned for were absent, replaced by incongruous inventions like 'cheeseburger' empanadas. It was a culinary dissonance that echoed the ever-changing appetites of this era.However, tonight, within the walls of "Las Cuartetas," I found a haven of culinary consistency. Two decades had passed since my last visit, but as I bit into their pizza, the flavors were as splendid and familiar as ever. It was a reassuring affirmation that some things do remain true to their roots, unswayed by the tides of time and trend.The atmosphere of "Las Cuartetas" too had retained its vibrant, unpretentio

Uber in Buenos Aires

    Today's journey through Buenos Aires was nothing short of an odyssey. I summoned an Uber, an act I assumed would be the prelude to a quiet ride to my next destination. Instead, I found myself in the passenger seat of an impromptu forum on the state of the world according to my driver—a former bus driver whose hands maneuvered the wheel with the same fervor he applied to his opinions. As we weaved through the traffic, his diatribe on politics and the economy painted a vivid picture of the local sentiment. He shared details of his personal life with the casualness of an old friend, filling the car with tales and anecdotes. It seems that in this city, the line between personal and public discourse is as blurred as the cars we narrowly missed, three times no less. His driving was an embodiment of his spirit—unyielding and full-throttle. At one point, a near-miss turned into a cascade of expletives and a challenge to duel on the asphalt stage, an invitation to confrontation that the

Parrilla lunch

    Buenos Aires has welcomed me with open arms and a feast for the senses. Today, I found myself seated in one of the city's famed 'parrillas,' my table a cornucopia of local delights—succulent meats grilled to perfection, accompanied by the robust flavors of an Argentine Malbec. The culinary ballet performed here is second to none, and my palate is grateful for such indulgence. Yet as I dine, a shadow of contemplation accompanies every bite. The prices, a pittance from the eyes of a foreign wallet, speak volumes of the economic strife facing the porteños. It's a sobering realization that the affordability of my lavish meal is underpinned by a currency that has tumbled, making the extraordinary seem ordinary for those who visit, but for those who reside here, it's a different story. I can't help but reflect on the juxtaposition of my experience against the backdrop of their everyday struggles. This city, vibrant with culture and spirit, is grappling with financ

Airports: Another Adventure

    Today finds me perched in a realm of perpetual motion, the airport, a sanctuary for wanderers and explorers alike. As I await the call to board my flight to Buenos Aires, I sit in contemplative solitude, an Irish beer in hand, its bitter richness a contrast to the savory Dutch fried potatoes on my plate. It's an odd pairing, perhaps, but fitting for a crossroads of worlds and cultures. Airports, despite their modern-day bustle, hold a certain charm. There's a palpable energy here, a blend of anticipation and the poignant farewells of those around me. It's a place of beginnings and endings, of infinite stories crossing paths. I can't help but feel connected to the lineage of travelers who have sat where I am, each with their own destinations and dreams. The southern hemisphere beckons me, a siren call to adventure. Buenos Aires promises the allure of tango-infused nights, Uruguay the tranquility of coastal hamlets, and the Patagonian expanses of Chile and Argentina w

Revisiting The Terminator

  The constant rain outside creates a perfect backdrop for a dive into the cinematic realm of '84... Today, I revisited an old prophet of science fiction – 'The Terminator.' It seemed a fitting choice, given my recent contemplations on the precarious tightrope our society walks, perched above a digital abyss. There's a sobering wisdom in the film's gritty reels, a forewarning from decades past that resonates with the unnerving possibilities of our current trajectory. I couldn't help but draw parallels between the mechanical heartlessness of the Terminator and the soulless glitches of modern-day technology. A stark reminder that while our tech is not sentient, its failings could one day prove just as catastrophic.   Yet, within the confines of that dark tale, there is artistry, undeniable and compelling. The soundtrack—a tapestry of electronic and orchestral threads—still captivates, its notes as prophetic as the narrative itself. It stands as an anthem to an era

A Fragile Society

   A tale of digital woes unfolded upon me this day. Apps malfunctioning, beset with insidious bugs, websites denying me entry to their virtual domains. Claims unclaimable, tasks untakable, the cosmic dance of technology mocking me with its twisted steps. A flurry of ordeals, trivial yet ceaseless, unfolded before mine weary eyes for many a day. Though without great consequence nor colossal disaster, they served as a timely reminder of the fragility that shrouds our modern society. Our wealth beaming its ephemeral radiance within the vaults of banks, our entire existence entwined within the intricate web of code, our very lives entrusted to smartphones and digital domains. The common folk, they laud these creations, believing them to be paragons of perfection, blind to the chasms that lay beneath the superficial surface. But I, who toil amidst this realm, who am intimately acquainted with its secrets, who understand the enigmatic machinations that reside within the very f

Home Sweet Home

  Back in Holland. It's clear that autumn is in full swing, but it feels eerily like the heart of winter. The days are short, the skies perpetually gray, and a relentless drizzle taps against the windows. As I settle into my cozy space, a thunderstorm rolls in. The rhythmic pattering of rain and distant rumbles of thunder become a soothing lullaby. Watching the electric dance of lightning from the comfort of my humble abode feels like nature's theatrical performance. These fleeting days of calm are precious. They grant me time to reflect, rest, and recharge, drawing energy from the storm's raw power, all in anticipation of the next grand adventure that beckons. #HollandHomecoming #AutumnOrWinter #StormWatcher #ReflectiveDays #ChargingForAdventures #NatureTheater #RainyRepose

Transport mishaps

  As my Budapest journey wraps up, a series of transport mishaps occur, culminating in my lost luggage. I can’t help but ponder if an ancient Hungarian spirit related to transportation is playing tricks. Regardless, the city’s charm, especially its bars and food, ensures my return, maybe with a little charm for safe travels. #BudapestFarewell #TravelMishaps #HungarianSpirits #LostLuggage #CityOfCharms #FoodAndBars #WillReturn #TravelTales

Chimney cake

  As the sun began its descent, casting Budapest in a warm, golden embrace, I was drawn to a scent that felt both familiar and foreign. Following my nose, I found myself before a stall where chimney cakes were being crafted. The sight of the dough wrapping around a wooden cylinder, turning slowly over an open flame, was mesmerizing.Taking a bite of the warm, sugary treat, I was met with delight. The crisp outside, perfectly caramelized, contrasted the soft inside. But as I continued, I noticed an emptiness within the cake. The hollow center, while traditional, made me feel like something was missing. It tasted wonderful, but I couldn't help but think how it could be even better if that void was filled with something sweet and creamy.This culinary experience had me pondering. How many times do we, too, present a complete facade, while hiding an emptiness within? The chimney cake was a delight, but it also served as a metaphor for the deeper reflections of my journey. #ChimneyCakeTal

Unexpected concert

  Stumbled upon an unexpected concert. The sound of electric guitars and pounding drums beckoned me to a hidden gem of a venue. It was a raw, industrial space, humming with life. The exposed brick walls and rugged aesthetics made the experience all the more authentic. The band on stage was unlike any I'd ever heard, fusing traditional rock elements with experimental sounds that echoed through the room, sending shivers down my spine. The crowd, a mix of locals and travelers, swayed and danced to the rhythm, completely engrossed in the music. That night, I became a part of something bigger, losing myself in the melodies and beats of a world I never knew existed. It was a serendipitous discovery, a chance encounter that turned into one of the most memorable nights of my journey. The band was "le_mol" from Vienna:   #ExperimentalRock #HiddenConcert #BudapestNights #RawSounds #ElectricVibes #UndergroundScene #MusicalDiscovery #NightToRemember #RockFusion

Thermal baths

  Today, I found myself enveloped in a world of watery wonder—the famous thermal baths of Budapest. These establishments, renowned both for their healing properties and their intricate architecture, served as an oasis for my soul and body alike.As I stepped into the complex, I was greeted by a stunning visual tapestry: intricately designed tiles, arched doorways, and classical sculptures. It felt as though I had crossed a threshold into a realm of timeless serenity.There were various sections to explore—steam baths swathed in mist, saunas emitting invigorating heat, and, of course, the thermal pools. Each pool had its own unique temperature, and the warm mineral-rich water seemed to seep into my bones, dissolving any fatigue that had accumulated from my days of wandering.The experience was a perfect blend of sensory indulgence and physical rejuvenation. And as I floated in those therapeutic waters, it occurred to me that this was not merely a place to relax, but a sanctuary that had st

Michael Jackson Totem Tree

  Today offered yet another unexpected surprise—a tree turned into a shrine for Michael Jackson. Located right near a hotel where the King of Pop reportedly stayed during his visits to Budapest, the tree has become an informal gathering spot for fans and the curious alike.People have adorned the tree with photographs, handwritten messages, various trinkets, and even some relics like concert tickets. It's a surreal spectacle, especially amidst the aged architecture and historical landmarks that make up the rest of the city. This makeshift shrine functions like a modern-day totem, uniting people from all walks of life in their shared love or curiosity for a global icon. It’s a fascinating contrast to the more ancient and traditional sites that I've visited. While different in form and history, this tree shares a mystical allure similar to the other landmarks—a focal point of collective emotions and memories.It's moments like this that make me realize how diverse the fabric of


  Today's encounter was nothing short of surreal. While wandering the streets, I saw what appeared to be a demonic figure—a creature masked and dressed to invoke primal fears. My Van Helsing instincts kicked in, but before I could act, I learned about the "BusĂłjárás," a Hungarian tradition that involves these frightening costumes.The locals explained that BusĂłjárás is an annual celebration to mark the end of winter. People dress up as these fearsome figures not to invoke terror, but to chase away the cold and welcome the spring. While not exactly my typical run-in with the supernatural, the ritual held a strange allure, a blend of folklore, communal spirit, and ancient beliefs.It's odd to think that sometimes, even demonic figures can symbolize something as hopeful as the coming of spring. Today added a layer of complexity to my understanding of the thin line between what we perceive as evil and what is merely misunderstood #VanHelsingDiaries #BusĂłjárás #HungarianTrad

The Chain Bridge

  Today presented an opportunity for both historical appreciation and mystical intrigue as I ventured across the legendary Chain Bridge, which spans the mighty Danube River. This architectural marvel stands as a union between Buda and Pest, the two halves of this magnificent city. Its iron chains and stone towers have been a part of Budapest's skyline since the 19th century, lending it an aura of timeless grandeur.As I set foot on the cobblestone pathway of the bridge, I felt a surge of nostalgia coupled with an uncanny sense of reverence. I couldn't help but recall the myriad legends and tales that have enveloped this structure over the years. Stories of spirits, mythical beings, and even darker entities that are said to haunt the very stones and waters below it. These legends aren't mere folklore; they feel like whispered truths passed down through generations, as if the bridge itself were a gateway to realms untold.But what captivated me most were the stone lions that gu

Cat Museum KFT

  Visited the Cat Museum today. Two full stories of feline-themed memorabilia. From ancient cat idols to modern pop-culture references, the collection was both vast and slightly bizarre. It was like stepping into a cat lover's dream—or possibly their overactive imagination. Fascinating to see how these creatures captivate human interest across time and cultures. Felt oddly at home. Highly recommended: #VanHelsingDiaries #CatMuseumBudapest #FelineFascination #CatsOfHistory #KittyCulture #OddlyAtHome #CatsAcrossTime #HumanFelineBond #WhiskersAndWonders #MuseumMadness

Centrál Grand Cafe 1887

I found a café house that was more than just a place to enjoy a meal; it was a sanctum of artistic and literary history. As I walked through the door, I was greeted by the soothing strains of live classical music that seemed to fill the room like an ethereal mist. It was as if the walls themselves were singing a symphony of creativity.I could sense the presence of the many authors and poets who had frequented this café over the years. It was as though their spirits still lingered, taking refuge in the time-worn chairs and coffee-stained tables. These seats weren't just furniture; they were vessels that held the residue of countless dreams and untold stories. Feeling inspired, I ordered a schnitzel and a glass of fine local wine to accompany my own literary pursuits. As I sat down to continue writing my novel about vampires from outer space, I felt an overwhelming sense of connection with the café's former patrons. It was as if I had tapped into a creative wellspri

Budapest's ruin bars

  I ventured into the world of Budapest's ruin bars. Walking through the doors felt like stepping into a time portal—each establishment was a blend of history and hedonism. The faded walls whispered tales of the past while vibrant conversations echoed through the air. The atmosphere was electric as locals and travelers alike mingled, sharing stories and laughter amidst the flickering candlelight. #VanHelsingDiaries #BudapestChronicles #RuinBarAdventures #CulinaryMysteries #HiddenGems #TravelAndTaste #BeerExplorations #FlavorsOfThePast #EnigmaticEateries #HungarianDelights #UnravelingRecipes