
Showing posts from 2024

The main web is fucked up

  As I brewed my morning coffee, a thought began to percolate—one I’ve had before, but this time it hit differently. The internet is fucked up. Not in some groundbreaking way, but in a way that's just so painfully obvious now, it's hard to ignore. It used to be this vast, open space brimming with potential. A playground for ideas, creativity, and authentic connection. But now? It feels like we're all trapped in this endless loop of self-promotion, personal branding, and chasing relevance. The very platforms that once gave us a voice, a place to be heard without filters, have morphed into marketplaces of attention. Everyone—whether an artist, a professional, or just someone trying to be seen—feels this pressure to be something , to sell their version of themselves, just to survive the online grind. And the more I think about it, the more it’s clear: what was supposed to liberate us, to democratize expression, has instead shackled us to algorithms and trends. Instead of creat

Alpine Crossing Through Mordor: An Unexpected Journey

After several days of relentless, unwelcoming weather that seemed to hold a grudge against adventurers, the skies finally cleared, unveiling the majestic backdrop of the heart of Mordor - the Tongariro Alpine Crossing. This wasn't just any hike; it was a 22km journey through a landscape so stark and imposing, with the infamous Mount Doom (an active volcano, no less) overseeing our journey, that it felt like stepping onto middle Earth. It was on this beautiful day that we decided to embark on this trek, dismissing the usual protocols of meticulous planning and booking shuttles well in advance. The notion of adhering to a fixed schedule on vacation seemed too confining, too contrary to the spirit of freedom that the mountains call for. I prefer the liberty to start my day at my own pace, on my own terms. So, with a relaxed attitude and an unwavering determination, we set out late in the morning, in search of a kind soul who'd transport us to the starting point of our journey. Our

Glimmers in the Darkness: From Hokitika's Glow Worm Caves to the Turbulent Cook Strait

  Driving along the picturesque west coast of New Zealand, my journey brought me to Hokitika, a quaint little hippie haven nestled by the sea. It's a town that whispers tales of art and nature, intertwining them with the salty air and the laid-back vibes of its streets. One night, curiosity lured me away from the comforting glow of streetlights into the heart of darkness, following signs to a hidden marvel known only to those who dare to venture: a glow worm cave. Walking a short distance through the pitch-dark night of the forest, I stumbled upon a scene that felt like stepping into a dream. The cave, illuminated by hundreds of tiny blue lights, held a surreal beauty that words struggle to capture. These were not the work of any human hand, but the natural magic of glow worm larvae, lighting up the darkness to attract their prey. I learned these creatures spend most of their lives in this larval state, glowing in the dark for about 8 or 9 months. In a twist of nature's tale, o

From Te Anau to Wanaka

  The road unraveled before us, a ribbon through the wilderness, as we embarked on a journey from Te Anau, the gateway to the majestic fjords, towards Wanaka. It was more than a drive; it was an adventure, a challenge, and a feast for the senses all rolled into one. The road to Wanaka took us through landscapes that seemed to be the very definition of untouched beauty, with mountain roads offering awe-inspiring views and nerve-wracking curves. For a seasoned driver like myself, who has navigated countless tough terrains across the globe, this route carved its name into my list of favorites. Not just for its raw beauty, but for its ability to test a driver's mettle without ever becoming monotonous. Our journey led us past Cardrona, a tiny, picturesque town with a rich history as a gold mining center. Its charm was a quiet whisper of the past, nestled among the grandeur of the mountains, a reminder of the relentless pursuit of dreams that once fueled the hearts of many. Wanaka was in

Exploring the Mystical Fjords of Milford Sound

  Today marked an extraordinary chapter in my journey, a day dedicated to unraveling the mysteries of Milford Sound, nestled in the heart of New Zealand's Fiordland. The morning greeted me with sunshine, casting a radiant glow over the fjord. While undoubtedly beautiful, the initial experience felt akin to admiring a masterpiece from afar—appreciated but not fully immersive. However, as the day progressed, a transformation unfolded that would etch Milford Sound in my memory forever. The afternoon brought with it rain, breathing life into the fjord's true essence. Suddenly, the landscape transformed into a realm of enchantment—mist draped over the towering cliffs, forests whispered ancient tales, and waterfalls cascaded from every mountain face, weaving a spectacle of awe and wonder. The air was imbued with an earthy fragrance, a scent that awakened the soul. It was as if Milford Sound had been waiting for the rain to unveil its secrets, secrets that lay hidden under the veil of

Exploring Queenstown and the Enchantment of Kiwis

  Today's adventure unfolded in the scenic town of Queenstown, New Zealand, an enchanting place where the tranquility of a lake meets the grandeur of surrounding mountains. It was here, amidst this serene backdrop, that I encountered one of the most delightful surprises of my travels – the Kiwi Birdlife Park. Nestled within this charming town, the park serves as a sanctuary dedicated to the conservation of New Zealand's native bird species, including the world's largest pigeon, the majestic Wood Pigeon, and the focus of today's tale, the kiwi. Known for its flightless prowess and distinctive appearance, the kiwi has long intrigued me, but witnessing these creatures up close was an experience beyond my expectations. I arrived just in time for a "kiwi encounter" – a rare opportunity to step into the "kiwi houses" and learn about these unique birds from the dedicated keepers. Contrary to my initial imagination, kiwis are quite large, resembling feathere

A Journey Through New Zealand's Hidden Gems

  As I ventured into the heart of New Zealand, my expectations were high, yet the reality of this place has far exceeded anything I could have imagined. While Auckland, with its urban sprawl, didn't capture my heart, the South Island unfurled a tapestry of sights and experiences that have etched themselves into my memory. New Zealand, a land renowned for its untouched beauty, has offered me more than just picturesque landscapes. It has provided me with a glimpse into a life where nature and humanity intertwine harmoniously. The hidden gems I've encountered, the little towns nestled by the sea and cradled by mountains, have been nothing short of idyllic. These secluded havens, with their protected bays of blue water, sunshine-drenched surroundings, mountains standing guard, anchored sailing boats swaying gently, and seagulls' cries piercing the air, are the very embodiment of serenity. In these serene landscapes, I've found joy in simple pleasures—sipping craft beer, exp

A Glimpse of Singapore: Ghost Memories and New Discoveries

  Waking up in Singapore for the first time is an experience that feels both novel and eerily familiar, like stepping into a vivid dream of a place you've never been yet somehow know. It's my first day here, but the city invokes ghost memories of Tokyo - a sentiment hard to shake off. The similarities are striking in their urban tapestry, yet, Singapore carves out its distinct identity, a fascinating paradox that I'm eager to unravel. The adventure began last evening in Chinatown, a vibrant enclave that promised a good fight against the almost guaranteed jetlag from the 12-hour flight. As I meandered through the bustling hawkers' markets, the air was rich with the scents of myriad cuisines - a testament to Singapore's celebrated culinary diversity. Each stall, with its unique flavors, seemed to tell its own story, inviting me into a world of taste and tradition that I found irresistible. The 7km walk through this colorful district was more than just an exercise; it

Circling the Globe: From Europe to the Edges of Adventure

  Tomorrow, my journey begins. A globe-trotting adventure that spans continents, cultures, and the very fabric of nature's marvels. From the heart of Europe, my first destination is the vibrant city-state of Singapore. A melting pot of cultures, Singapore promises a tantalizing blend of tradition and modernity. Its lush gardens, bustling markets, and skyscraper-studded skyline are just the beginning of this extraordinary escapade. From the tropical allure of Singapore, I'll soar across the oceans to New Zealand, the land immortalized by tales of hobbits and epic adventures. Here, I will trade wings for wheels, embarking on a road trip to unearth the country's breathtaking landscapes. From towering mountains to serene beaches, New Zealand's natural splendor awaits at every turn. The next chapter takes me back to the urban mosaic of San Francisco. After years, I'll rediscover the city's famed hills, indulge in its legendary burgers and craft beers, and reacquaint

The Joy of Creating for Oneself: A Reflection on the Digital Craft

  In the whirlwind of digital content creation, where millions of voices clamor for attention in the vast expanse of the internet, I found myself pondering a fundamental question: Why do we post? Why do we pour our hearts and souls into the void, hoping for a flicker of recognition, a whisper of acknowledgment? As I navigated through the ceaseless stream of content, an epiphany dawned upon me. The essence of true fulfillment in creation does not lie in the pursuit of fame or financial gain, but in the joy of creating for oneself. I began to shift my focus, channeling my energy into projects that sparked joy within my own heart. Podcasts that made me chuckle, apps that simplified my daily routine, games that provided a respite from the mundane, and blogs that served as a mirror to my evolving thoughts and experiences. This pivot was not driven by a desire for mass appeal but by a quest for personal satisfaction and growth. The internet, with its boundless potential, became my canvas, a

Embracing the present

  In a world where the future is uncertain and the past is a tapestry of forgotten names, the only true legacy one can hope to leave is the impact of their actions on the lives of others and the world they inhabit. Whether through kindness, creativity, innovation, or simply by being a source of joy, the ripples we create can extend beyond the confines of our own lives. It's a reminder that while our names may not echo through the ages, the essence of our deeds might just alter the course of someone else's story, however subtly. This realization frees us from the shackles of seeking fame or recognition as the ultimate goal and redirects our focus towards leading a life rich with purpose and joy. It encourages us to seek out experiences that fulfill us, relationships that nurture us, and to engage in acts of generosity and kindness that leave the world a slightly better place. In doing so, we not only enrich our own lives but also create a legacy of positive impact that, though i

Happy birthday to me

February 16th, 2024, marked the day I stepped into my 40s. If I were to encapsulate the essence of the day in a single word, it would fall short. Eventful, indeed, but layered with a myriad of emotions that painted a vivid picture of life's unpredictable nature. The day commenced with an outpouring of love, a testament to the bonds I've fostered over the years. Waking up to gifts and heartfelt wishes was a gentle reminder of the beauty that resides in human connections. The digital age brought my loved ones closer, with beautiful videos from 20 dear souls, each sharing snippets of our shared past, evoking a sense of nostalgia and warmth. A whisper of excitement lingered in the air, hinting at a surprise trip orchestrated in the shadows by those closest to me. Yet, life, with its penchant for the unexpected, had other plans. The day took a sharp turn when Tokyo, my cherished feline companion, displayed signs of distress. A routine concern quickly escalated into a frantic rush to

Morning Rituals with a Furry Twist

  Every morning brings its own magic, a unique start that sets the tone for the day. But of all the rituals that have woven themselves into the fabric of my routine, there's one that stands out, bringing warmth and a touch of whimsy to the start of my day. It's a small, yet profoundly delightful occurrence that involves my fluffy tabby cat, a creature of habit and, undoubtedly, a connoisseur of the finer things in life. As the first rays of sunlight filter through the window, casting a soft glow over the room, there's a familiar, gentle thud on the breakfast table. It's Tokyo, my tabby, making his grand entrance, not with the grace one might expect from his feline brethren, but with the unabashed confidence of someone who knows they are exactly where they belong. He finds his spot right next to my steaming cup of coffee, a place he's claimed as his own, and settles down with a contented sigh. But it's not just any position he takes; oh no, he lies on his back, b

Back in The Game

This week was different; I found myself in a state of hyper focus. The outside world faded away as I delved deep into the real ms of my imagination and coding prowess. My fingers danced across the keyboard, almost of their own accord, orchestrating the third prototype of my async game. It was a symphony of creativity and logic, a true testament to my passion for game development. But this wasn’t a story of burnout or neglect; no, I was firmly in control. Despite the intense focus, I maintained a balanced lifestyle. My meals were nutritious, timely, and thoughtfully prepared, fueling both mind and body. Sleep, often the first casualty in such creative bursts, was plentiful and restful. I promised myself to not let my health slide, and I kept that promise. I also stayed true to my commitment to exercise. Amidst the coding sessions, I found time for physical activity, ensuring my body kept pace with my mind’s exertions. It’s a delicate balance, but one I’m learning to master. The week was

Welcome 2024: New Horizons and Resolutions

  As the dawn of 2024 breaks, the majestic aura of the Dragon Year stirs within me a surge of determination and inspiration. This year, a symbol of strength and fortune in Chinese tradition, I resolve to complete the endeavors begun in the previous year and embark on fresh, thrilling journeys. Firstly, I shall bring to fruition my vampire-inspired novel, a tale that intertwines the mysterious and the macabre, a reflection of my own adventurous spirit. My storytelling game, an amalgamation of creativity and interactive narrative, awaits its final brushstrokes. Additionally, the development of my travel companion app, designed to be a loyal ally to wanderers like myself, will reach its destination. In the realm of new ventures, my recent travels have sparked two enthralling projects. "Las Reflexiones de Saloban," a podcast brimming with contemplative insights and travel wisdom, promises to be a beacon for like-minded souls. Moreover, a cocktail book is taking shape, inspired by

Farewell 2023

  As the final moments of 2023 slipped into the past, I found myself enveloped in a deep sense of introspection and gratitude. This year marked a significant turning point in my life, a period where my inner creativity truly flourished. It’s not that I’ve been a stranger to creative endeavors; on the contrary, I’ve always nurtured this aspect of myself. However, 2023 was exceptional in how it channeled my imaginative energies. Perhaps this surge in creativity was a result of my accumulated experiences, or maybe it was the awe-inspiring advancements in Artificial Intelligence that sparked a new fire within me. It might well have been a combination of both. Regardless of the catalyst, I am immensely proud of the projects I’ve brought to life this year. My hands have built, my mind has created, and my heart has poured itself into every endeavor. I eagerly anticipate 2024, ready to elevate this creative momentum to even greater heights. 2023 wasn’t just about introspective and creative jou